Sunday, 11 September 2011

There Is No Royal Road To Learning

There are some parents who think that once their children went to school their duty is finished and they can easily relax and let the institute perform their work, but this is not the case at all. According to the research the parents have an equal greatest influence on their children's academic performance than the school. The ability of child to communicate, to relate to teachers and their fellows and their attitude of learning is built from their houses.
Parents help their children by giving them the beginning of education at home. Many parents wonder that how they can help their children at home. Things are very easy like baking a cake with the child, parents can help them with his maths, example measuring out the ingredients with him or simply planning a birthday party, asking or deciding the strength of people he wants to invite, how stamps, gifts, lollies, bags, cups, plates and balloons will be needed. Children often fell that the experiences of real life help them to learn math easily.  

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